10 APRIL 2002

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go mobile WAP usage doubles

The usage of Wireless Access Protocol (WAP) by go mobile clients has doubled over the past six weeks, with thousands of go mobile users benefiting from the reduction on WAP tariffs that the wireless operator had announced back in February. The offer, which has seen WAP tariffs being cut by 50 per cent all day long is still valid and is set to be extended further.

"Reducing the WAP tariff from 10c to 5c a minute all day long, everyday proved to be a popular move. go mobile is seriously considering further extending this offer, well beyond the end of May 2002," go mobile CEO Prof. Juanito Camilleri said.

He adds, "WAP allows mobile phone users to easily access information available from the Internet. As a result, go mobile users who own a WAP-enabled phone can benefit from an array of information and entertainment services such as local and international news, sports news, online games and logos, e-mail, business news, timetables and schedules, and more."

go mobile users who make use of WAP on a per minute basis are currently paying 5c a minute while those who make use of WAP via SMS continue to pay 2c per information requested. WAP over General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is currently free as GPRS is being offered at no charge during the trial period.



Copyright © Network Publications Malta.
Editor: Saviour Balzan
The Business Times, Network House, Vjal ir-Rihan San Gwann SGN 07, Malta
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