
After graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in European Studies in 2011, Massimo obtained a Master’s degree in European Studies, with a focus on policy making processes in the European Union. He joined MaltaToday as a journalist in 2017, following a three and a half year period working in the UK. His main journalistic interests are local and British politics, EU-level policies, and social and environmental issues.

INTERVIEW | Antonio Palumbo: ‘One of the best shipyards in the world’
Nine years after setting up shop in Malta, Palumbo Shipyards have built a...
Meet the 2019 winner of the EY Malta Entrepreneur of the Year Award
David Darmanin is the founder and CEO of Hotjar, a business which helps website...
Economic discourse sees shift from bread and butter issues to quality of life
The economic focus during the European elections campaign was influenced by...
INTERVIEW | Simon De Cesare: Taking leisure and entertainment seriously
Simon De Cesare B.Sc MBA (USA) is the CEO of the Eden Leisure Group, a family...
SMEs’ interest in new funding scheme sees BoV, MDB planning second programme
After receiving positive feedback following the launch of an SME funding scheme...
MFSA issues warning about KONTOFX trading platform
Banking & Finance
KONTOFX, which claims to be a forex trading broker, is unlicensed and...
Malta’s biggest tech event, MRO19 Technology & Gadgets Expo, starts tomorrow
The three-day expo offers the public the chance to experience the latest...
INTERVIEW | Justine Scerri Herrera: Blockchain ... the beginning of a new revolution
Justine Scerri Herrera is a warranted Maltese lawyer currently specialising in...
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