Free medirectalk seminar to explore potential of high yield bonds in 2023
The medirectalk series returns to an in-person format this coming 18 April when representatives from the specialist fund management firm Liontrust will be discussing the potential benefits of investing in high yield bonds during 2023. The event, taking place at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in St Julian’s, will start at 6.00pm and is free to attend, subject to registration

Medirectalks offer investors and those interested in the world of finance a unique opportunity to directly hear some of the world’s leading experts discuss the main themes affecting the economy as well as various investment strategies. The speakers at this upcoming event will be Liontrust’s Co-Heads of Global Fixed Income, Phil Milburn and Donald Phillips. They will be joined by Sharmin Rahman, Investment Manager within Liontrust’s Global Fixed Income team to discuss how the current market might be creating an opportunity for long-term investors within the quality end of the high yield bond market.
The discussion, which will last approximately one hour, will also give participants the opportunity to ask questions which can be submitted prior to the event. This will then be followed by a reception during which drinks and canapés will be served and representatives from Liontrust and MeDirect will be available for any additional follow-up questions or enquiries.
James Beddall, Head of International Sales at Liontrust, said, “We are very much looking forward to returning to Malta for an in-person medirectalk. Our team will be sharing Liontrust’s insights on the overall macro situation, our 2023 strategy and why we think the high yield bond market could provide some interesting returns in the months ahead. It will be interesting for us to also hear the perspective of Maltese investors, who traditionally have favoured bonds as an investment vehicle, on how they see the market evolving and what they think about our own views.”
Ingrid Micallef, Head – Products & Marketing Malta at MeDirect Malta, said, “The medirectalk series, whether in-person or online, continues to prove popular as it is one of the few opportunities Maltese investors have to hear from, and ask questions to, some of the most successful fund and asset managers in Europe. These events are a real learning opportunity for anyone who wants to grow their wealth by understanding how different asset classes behave and what the potential risks and rewards are. I am very confident this will be a very interesting and informative event.”
To register, free of charge, for the upcoming medirectalk go to https://promo.medirect.com.mt/medirectalk/.
Live streaming will be available for those unable to attend in person through MeDirect Malta’s Facebook and LinkedIn pages. Further information on medirectalk can be found here: https://medirect.com.mt/invest/medirectalk.
Registration is on a first come first serve basis due to space limitation. A confirmation email will be sent in reply within 24 hours to your registration confirming reservation of seat/s. The seminar will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. You will be requested to read and sign the event terms & conditions before entering the venue.
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MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, company registration number C34125, is licensed to undertake the business of banking in terms of the Banking Act (Cap. 371) and investment services under the Investment Services Act (Cap. 370).