E.J. Busuttil Ltd supports cancer research through RIDT at University of Malta

Company will be providing €90,000 worth in equipment and consumables to facilitate more research in oncological diagnostics at the University of Malta


The Research Trust (RIDT) of the University of Malta and Maltese company E.J. Busuttil Ltd have entered into a three-year sponsorship agreement that will support the University to the tune of €90,000 worth in equipment and consumables to facilitate more research in oncological diagnostics at the University of Malta.

Wilfred Kenely, Chief Executive Officer of the RIDT, thanked E.J Busuttil for giving researchers this opportunity so that they can deliver efficient results. The sponsorship will be going towards research in oncological diagnostics. 

“We are very happy to be collaborating with E.J Busuttil Ltd yet another time, having already received generous donations from them in the past,'' he said.

Edwin Busuttil, Director of E.J. Busuttil Ltd, said that as a leading supplier at the forefront of the healthcare field, including diagnostic and research equipment, the company believes that, as part of its corporate social responsibility, they should be supporting the University’s efforts in various areas of research, including oncology. 

This is the second time that the company has made a significant donation to the University, through the RIDT. In 2016 the company had donated research equipment valued at over €180,000.

University of Malta Rector, Prof. Alfred J. Vella, highlighted the importance of the private sector in supporting the ever-increasing research activity of the University and thanked Busuttil for his continuous support and invited other companies to follow suit.

"Such collaborations provide the much needed resources to our scientists and researchers, who in turn apply these resources to improve our quality of life and to provide solutions to our daily challenges," Vella said.

Present for the signing of the agreement were Wilfred Kenely, CEO of the RIDT, Dr. Ing. Anton Bartolo, Director of the Knowledge Transfer Office of the University of Malta and University Rector Prof Alfred Vella.

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