PA approves Dolphin Centre complex following substantial changes during planning process

This week, the Planning Authority granted planning permission to change the former Dolphin Centre building in Balzan, which has been unutilised for years, into a residential complex


This week, the Planning Authority granted planning permission to change the former Dolphin Centre building in Balzan, which has been unutilised for years, into a residential complex. The site, which falls within the development scheme, will feature underlying commercial and car park levels and other related amenities in Triq Guzeppi Frendo corner with Triq Wied Hal Balzan and Triq il-Kbira.

Following discussions during the board sitting in June 2022, the architect has submitted all necessary reports and drawings to satisfy the planning commission’s concerns and the concerns of the registered objectors.

During the last sitting, the Planning Commission expressed their concern about the un/loading areas proposed for the commercial developments. However, this issue has been addressed as the architect submitted new drawings indicating a dedicated service lift and internal service corridors.

Moreover, four un/loading service bays were introduced underground following a request made by the Planning Commission. Dedicated commercial parking spaces have also been indicated on drawings as requested by the Planning Commission.

Another issue that was raised during the planning process was privacy, as new balconies might directly overlook their gardens. However, this concern has also been resolved as the back garden wall has now been raised to 4.5m from the backyard, which is higher than required by DC2015 P8, which further minimises the overlooking potential.

Balconies at the rear part of the apartments have been setback further than that required by Sanitary Law from the backyard wall of the villas. Moreover, fixed planters were introduced on the rear of the roof terraces to mitigate further overlooking. Furthermore, the reduction in the built massing of the previously approved commercial development has remained undeveloped, leading to an improvement of an open space fronting the back gardens of the third party.

The project addressed the issue of the transition of building heights from the villa area. The updated drawings submitted by the architect reflect the gradually transiting from two floors abutting Residential Priority Area, as per DC2015 P6, to the highest maximum allowable heights over approximately 15m, wherein DC2015 P6 requires that each additional floor shall be setback by a minimum distance of 3m.

Moreover, the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage gave clearance for relocating a prominent niche of St Roque on the Dolphin complex’s façade. This niche of St. Roque is listed in the National Inventory of the Cultural Property of the Maltese Islands.

As requested by the Planning Commission, a plan addressing the flooding concerns for the building has been submitted by the applicant and flooding, and mitigation measures will be the applicant’s responsibility.

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