Island Insurance Brokers reconfirms CII status
Island Insurance Brokers has just had its corporate chartered status reconfirmed by the Chartered Insurance Institute, the international professional body for insurance and financial planning.
Island Insurance Brokers (IIB) has just had its corporate chartered status reconfirmed by the Chartered Insurance Institute, the international professional body for insurance and financial planning.
“Being re-confirmed with this status benefits our business, our staff but most importantly our clients because it reflects our commitment to constantly give them enough reasons to trust us,” Lawrence Pavia, Manging Director of Island Insurance Brokers, said.
The prestigious status is awarded annually to firms who publicly commit to a set of aligned ethics and values, to providing knowledgeable advice backed up by qualifications and continued professional development, and who through their daily operations, would have kept seeking good customer outcomes.
Pavia reiterated how Island Insurance Brokers’ 30-year operation has been built on nurturing long-standing and valued relationships based on trust and that today, the firm is known as one of the top reputable professional insurance brokers that provides peace of mind, stability and conducts business in an efficient, fair, ethical and honest approach.
He also referred to the achievement of this CII status at this particular time, pointing out that never as much as today do companies need to build consumer trust while aligning their operations to sound ethics and values.
“The award of this important status happens at a time when as insurance operators, we are witnessing a very important transition in our sector where what seemed impossible or difficult pre-Covid19, became doable in a matter of days such as shifting to paperless operations, remote working, more use of technology and cashless transactions,” Pavia said.