Viewing from afar: From maps to spatial immersion for social wellbeing

Malta, through its SIntegraM ERDF is about to acquire its makeover for spatial data, through an integrated information system that extends from simple maps, to a new basemap, to launching of an online information system that brings together information from different entities and partners


Malta, through its SIntegraM ERDF is about to acquire its makeover for spatial data, through an integrated information system that extends from simple maps, to a new basemap (last drafted in 1988), to launching of an online information system that brings together information from different entities and partners.

SIntegraM also launches the Unique and forerunner technologies, rare examples in Europe based on Aerial, Terrestrial and Underwater. Laser, Infra-red and Visual scanners are currently being used to acquire information on landcover and landuse, create. 3D map of Malta, ensure that the basemap and other datasets are updated on an ongoing basis.

It also ensures that the utility entities, the forensic services, health, emergency, education, transport and all other entities have up-to-date information that can be used for ongoing work as well as in cases of disasters.

Malta also acquired its first immersive lab, allowing scientists to create scenarios and potential scenarios and create scenes for policy-makers and decision-takers.

It is time to capture reality, convert it to digital worlds in a SIMuation, create legacy and ACT. This place the power of information in the citizens’s domain.

SIntegraM, an EU project, financed by the European Regional Development Fund, is a foundation project that has revolutionised data as we know it: from 2D, it is converting Malta in 3D, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and now Mixed Reality. This benefits society as we can take a snapshot of our environment, travel within it, review the changes that would occur if a change is affected such as constructing a dam in a valley, understanding sea level rise, visit the Hypogeum and a myriad other possibility.

All this is possible and SIntegraM is a foresight project that sought the past, understood the present and projected for the future. In effect, it acquired insight from experience in data capture and its conversion to information, then expressed foresight through the knowledge gained that will affect policy-makers and decision-takers to act. This makes a society more knowledgeable and wiser, leading to a better understanding of the natural, physical and social environments that encompass us.

But how is this achieved: what is behind these deliverables? This is where technology comes in.....

At this stage the project leader Ms Ashley Hili, consultant Professor Saviour Formosa and team are engaged in integrating three types of scanning technologies that capture data from the air, on the ground, underground and through the expertise of Professor Timmy Gambin, underwater. The technologies are the most advanced in Europe and will enable Malta to have the capacity to carry out its own data capture rather than depending on other external entities. This will put Malta at the forefront of data capture, analysis and will lead to better policy making and decision taking. And this, on an ongoing basis.

The terrestrial (land-based) scanner employs high-end technology which is set in a special van that captures a cloud of points and colour to deliver a 3D model of building facades, building street furniture, road health, rubble walls, trees and any item that requires study and assessment. This will lead policy makers to visualise that data in real-time and online for access. The technology will be available through a series of webservices through the PA website and the

The public will also be able to view the data and appreciate the national jewels, identify areas that require intervention and become owners of this national information. Such can also be used for heritage and tourism, virtual experiences, gaming and futuristic study which will allow citizens to interact in virtual worlds and be part of disruption for a better society.

This is SIntegraM.

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