Vivian launches new Vision Correcting Intraocular Lens

Globally, around 28 million cataract surgery procedures are performed every year


Cataracts are the leading cause of treatable blindness in the world. Today however, patients can benefit from having a cataract surgery with an extra perk that enables patients to have good far and close-up vision with the aid of premium intraocular lenses. Surgeries are mostly performed under topical anaesthesia and patients can benefit from an improved sight the very same day.

“Patients above the age of 40 are increasingly opting for refractive lens exchange surgery since this is being found to be the best solution to correct presbyopia.” explains Andrei Camenzuli, COO Saint James Eye Clinic.

In Malta, Vivian has now introduced a new intraocular lens that features a purely refractive design to deliver uninterrupted daytime high-quality vision, but also high-contrast night vision.

The new TECNIS PureSee correcting lens is produced by Johnson & Johnson MedTech, a global leader in eye health and is available for patients at Saint James Eye Clinic.

“Around 28 million cataract surgery procedures are performed every year, but only 10-15% of patients are getting advanced optical intraocular lenses specifically designed for astigmatism and presbyopia,” explains Katrine Agius from Vivian.

The process of the eye lens losing its elasticity starts at around the age of ten years, but vision changes are not noticeable to a person until about the age of 40 with presbyopia usually continuing to worsen until age 65.

The launch of this new lens gives surgeons and patients the choice of a premium intraocular lens that combines clarity of vision and reduced visual symptoms and allows patients to avoid undergoing cataract operation at a later stage.

“Up to today, when choosing intraocular lenses, surgeons and patients had to make trade-off decisions such as going for a lens that offers clear sight at all distances without spectacles, but at the price of possible glares and halos. The new TECNIS PureSee lens combats these issues and improves the overall outcomes for both patients and surgeons,” added Katrine Agius.

Saint James Eye Clinic is equipped with the latest and most advanced diagnostics equipment to deliver the best surgical results and outcomes on the island.

Saint James Eye Clinic was established 24 years ago and remains one of the most sought-after clinics for refractive lens exchange and laser eye surgery.

“Over the years, we have treated over 3000 patients yearly, enabling us to keep investing in state-of-the-art equipment to ensure the highest level of service and optimal patient outcomes. The Eye Clinic shall be expanding and moving to new premises in the coming 2 years making the Saint James Eye Clinic one of the best in Europe, added Andrei Camenzuli COO Saint James Hospital Group.”

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