Maltese company, Altaro Software, acquired by Europe’s leading email cloud security provider
Altaro, the Maltese provider of backup software solutions worldwide, has today announced that Hornetsecurity has acquired the company
Altaro, the Maltese provider of backup software solutions...

The time to plan for Gozo's future is now
As integral both islands may be to the country, Gozo is distinct from Malta....
As integral both islands may be to the country, Gozo is...

Will AI replace our artists any time soon?
So in synthesis, AI can either be the ingenious creator of art or merely a tool...
So in synthesis, AI can either be the ingenious creator of...

Why the world's youth are fighting for a sustainable future
Vladislav Kaim, UN Secretary General's youth advisor on climate change,...
Vladislav Kaim, UN Secretary General's youth advisor on...

Golden passports: When the dirt hits the fan
While the government continues to claim that the now defunct IIP programme was...
While the government continues to claim that the now...

Editorial | Judicious timing is necessary for COVID vouchers rollout
Rather than have businesses, unions and government bickering between them on...
Rather than have businesses, unions and government...

Urban design parameters to determine building heights at Imriehel and Marsa Industrial Parks
The building height restrictions that exist within the industrial parks of Imriehel and Marsa are proposed to be removed, as the Planning Authority seeks to...
The building height restrictions that exist within the...

I don’t know about you but I can’t wait to go abroad; to go outside and breath fresh air without the fear of being fined for not wearing a face...
I don’t know about you but I can’t wait to go...

The reform of business recovery laws
Preventive restructuring frameworks should, above all, enable debtors to restructure effectively at an early stage and to avoid insolvency, thus limiting the...
Preventive restructuring frameworks should, above all,...

Editorial | Lifting the weight of the pandemic
Achieving herd immunity, the earliest possible through a concerted vaccination...
Achieving herd immunity, the earliest possible through a...

Dreaming of an AI Christmas - fun hi-tech activities for kids during the Christmas holidays
This special time of year is indeed magical. Of course, technology is playing an important part: AI is giving the personality to Father Christmas, who is...
This special time of year is indeed magical. Of course,...

Five students make it into Faculty of Arts Dean’s List
Raffaello Bezzina, Christabelle Borg, Abigail Deguara, Joseph Tong and Michela...
Raffaello Bezzina, Christabelle Borg, Abigail Deguara,...

INTERVIEW | Aaron Farrugia: Stability and accountability at core of minister’s vision for construction regulator
The Building & Construction Agency (BCA) was set up to create a more holistic approach to regulation and compliance in the building and construction...
The Building & Construction Agency (BCA) was set up to...

Spatial planning to make Malta more resilient
The future of Malta’s sustainable development hangs in the balance. Ivan...
The future of Malta’s sustainable development hangs...

'It’s the end of the world as we know it'
Our leaders need to balance today’s public health needs without...
Our leaders need to balance today’s public health...

COVID-19: the Grinch who stole Christmas
In conclusion, this year has extenuated the focus on the digital age where people growing up in a nuclear family tend to have a more individualistic mindset,...
In conclusion, this year has extenuated the focus on the...

INTERVIEW | Kyle Anastasi: 'It is time to reset the way we view skills'
Much have been said about the Fourth Industrial Revolution and how this will impact the jobs of today, in an age of intelligence where we are witnessing an...
Much have been said about the Fourth Industrial Revolution...

Editorial | From annus horribilis to annus mirabilis, one hopes
One may argue that any year after 2020 could be described as wonderful. There...
One may argue that any year after 2020 could be described...