Protected art deco façade in Tigne to be retained and restored in approved project

The Planning Authority has called out misleading and incorrect reports pertaining to the recently approved development application by the Planning Commission of a property in Tigne, Sliema


The Planning Authority (PA) has called out misleading and incorrect reports pertaining to the recently approved development application by the Planning Commission of a property in Tigne, Sliema.

The Grade 2 scheduled façade of a property in Tigne, Sliema will be retained in its entirety and restored as part of a mixed development project which will include the construction of four additional floors and a penthouse on the front end.

The application was approved in line with the decision taken by the Environment  and  Planning  Review  Tribunal  after  the  Planning  Commission  had  refused  the application.

The approved application ensures that the design of the additionally floors on Triq Tigne and Triq Sant’Antnin is coherent with the existing façade of the property which the Authority had scheduled in June 2018.

The Authority had scheduled the façade of this property after an application was received for the demolition of the entire building due to its deterioration.

Together with this building ‘Maronna’, the PA had also protected the façade of two other neighbouring properties  namely  ‘Lavinia’  and  ‘Licinia’.  All  three  properties  have  a  unique  type  of  Art  Deco architecture designed by Filippo Tortell in the early 1930s.

The Superintendence of Cultural Heritage gave its consent for this project and the architectural style shall be fully retained.

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