Continuing Professional Development opportunities in environmental monitoring and assessment
The Institute of Earth Systems is offering, for the first time, a series of Continuing Professional Development units at Master level in the field of environmental monitoring and assessment

The Institute of Earth Systems is offering, for the first time, a series of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) units at Master level in the field of environmental monitoring and assessment.
The new CPD units form part of the recently launched full-time M.Sc. in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, which will equip students with the knowledge and expertise they require in order to work in the field of environmental science.
The course programme aims to provide training in monitoring approaches, in handling environmental data and in assessing observed changes with a view to the safe and responsible use of environmental resources.
The structure of the M.Sc. in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment allows interested individuals currently in fulltime employment to follow one or more study units as part a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme at their place of work.
The content of the new CPD units is designed to keep people already working in this field conversant with technological advances and current thinking in environmental monitoring and assessment.
In addition, students who successfully complete a sufficient number of units will be eligible for the award of a Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma.
Online applications are currently open for the following study-units:
- EMP5007 - Remote Sensing for Earth Observation,
- EMP5026 - Environmental Impact Assessment
- EMP5027 - Methods in Data Analysis and Quality Assurance,
- EMP5028 - Environmental Noise Monitoring and Assessment,
- EMP5029 - Soil and Land Monitoring: Pollution and Remediation, and
- EMP5030 - Air Quality Monitoring and Assessment.
The application deadline is 29 September 2023, and interested applicants are invited to consult the course information page for details about how to apply for these CPD study-units.