Planning Authority reacts to Covid-19
As Malta and the rest of the world face disruptions in all sectors due to COVID-19, the Planning Authority is adjusting to these extraordinary circumstances by adapting public meetings, and by extending current valid development permits by three years

As Malta and the rest of the world face disruptions in all sectors due to COVID-19, the Planning Authority is adjusting to these extraordinary circumstances by adapting public meetings, and by extending current valid development permits by three years.
One of the most important measures that governments across the globe are undertaking at the moment, is to ensure continuity in areas that can continue to function despite these extraordinary circumstances. These measures are essential to sustain economies, some of which have been crippled, to retain jobs, and to support families and businesses to forge ahead with their plans where possible.
Hence, the Authority has introduced a new protocol that will allow its Executive Council, Planning Board or Commissions to conduct their meetings in public using electronic or other viable means of communication. Similar measures are being adopted by other Governments and Local Planning Authorities across the globe.
Il-Kamra tal-Periti, one of the key local stakeholders has also expressed interest to continue with alternative ways as legislated, whilst applicants also have the right for their application to be decided.
Public health takes precedence over all other priorities. Hence, the Planning Authority will re-start the Executive Council, Planning Board and Planning Commission public meetings using video conferencing. This follows the publication of a legal notice which has amended the way public meetings are to be conducted.
An applicant, Perit, registered interested party and any member of the public will, at the discretion of the Chairperson, be allowed to make submissions related to the case the board or commission will be discussing by electronic means.
Any member of the public who wishes to participate in the meeting held through electronic means must notify the Board or Commission of their interest at least one working day before the date of the meeting.
This measure is being introduced to allow the Chairpersons of the Board/Commission to take any measures they deem appropriate to ensure the participation of the public.
The Authority has provided a step-by-step user manual on how various users (Periti, applicants, registered interested parties and members of the public) may participate in and during any of the Council, Planning Board or Planning Commission meetings. This is available on www.pa.org.mt.
The Authority has also extended by an additional three years, all development permits which, today are still within their validity period but are due to expire by, or any date earlier to, the 31st December 2022.
The Authority is taking this proactive measure to prevent current permit holders from having to carry out a significant amount of works within a short period, once normality is restored.
The measure, which applies only to permits which are already in hand, will also ensure that the rights of those granted permits are safeguarded while at the same time will decrease the burden of works on the community.
This extension will facilitate the completion of small household projects, as well as larger businesses, whilst reducing the administrative burdens related to the renewal of development permissions already in force.
Importantly, it will help to avoid major disruptions which could lead to imbalanced construction across the island once the situation is normalised.
For more information about these measures one can log on to www.pa.org.mt.