George M.

George Mangion is a partner in PKF, an audit and business advisory firm

A vision of fabless manufacturing projected in 2024 budget
To conclude, one augurs that budget 2024 succeeds in its new vision to attract...
High interest rates and energy prices
If the yield curve is normal, all else equal, a higher slope that the world is...
Beyond your dreams
Finally, with bated breath, islanders are curious to see the proverbial rabbit...
With an election in sight, voters are being charmed
So far, Malta boasts of a long tradition of business support services...
Is the engine to drive a Green deal sputtering?
Instead of ruining the planet, Malta could start earning export revenue and...
How to tame inflation and attract better visitors
It is obvious that if the global recovery picks up pace this year, the main...
Projections on a 2024 economy
Malta has the experience, the political will and capacity to rescue itself from...
Needed - supportive legislation to host renewable energy generation
It goes without saying that private investments in marine renewables are...
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